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Shenhao in the Upcoming Photokina 2012

In three months time, Shanghai Shenhao will come to Cologne, Germany once again for the Photokina 2012.

Shenhao will focus on the concepts of sustainability and the delicacy of handmade and present a series of products associated with them. It will be a visual feast for those who loved Large Format cameras and Shenhao to say the least. 

The company will be at Hall 3.1, B014, and is looking forward to meet with friends and customers, old and new alike. 

And as always, there will be special discounts on the final day of the Photokina 2012.

This 18th Sept., Photokina, come to meet with Shenhao, old friend, new sights!

 TEL: 8621-54084027  FAX: 8621-54082921 版权所有 沪ICP备: 12047917号 @2011-2013 上海申豪專業照相機有限公司