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Shenhao to Participate in the Coming Photokina 2014

It is the year of World Cup Brazil, and it is the year of Photokina 2014.

In two years time, Shanghai Shenhao will participate in this Photokina as always, and more prepared.

This year, Shenhao will bring the most complete line of products to showcase in Photolkina, full range of digital adapters and delicate limited ebony editions are there to present.

All in HALL 5.1 H028 with Shanghai Shenhao Professional Camera!

9/16 to 9/21. 2014

 TEL: 8621-54084027  FAX: 8621-54082921 版权所有 沪ICP备: 12047917号 @2011-2013 上海申豪專業照相機有限公司